
Nous avons créé ce jeu lors de la Community Game Jam de 2019




I : Where am I? Why was I locked up? Am I dead?
A VOICE: No, you're not dead but it's just like. You don't want to know the truth because your mental health depends on it. Trust me and you will regain your freedom.
I : Who are you? What do you want from me ? Why should I trust you?
A VOICE: Because you have no choice

You wake up in a futuristic room and you do not understand what you are doing here. Stun the different puzzles that will be presented to you for a chance to know the reasons for your confinement. Do not trust your kidnapper who has hidden traps in a parallel world and affects the world in which you operate. The walls may not be walls, the floor may be just a trap that will take you to your death.

Vous vous réveillez dans une salle aux airs futuristes et vous ne comprenez pas ce que vous faites ici. Déjouez les différents puzzles qui vous seront présentés pour avoir une chance de connaître les raisons de votre enfermement. Ne faîtes pas confiance à votre kidnappeur qui a dissimulé des pièges dans un monde parallèle et qui affecte le monde dans lequel vous évoluez. Les murs ne sont peut être pas des murs, le sol n’est peut être qu’un piège qui vous mènera à votre mort. Une fois que vous aurez déjoué tous les pièges, un choix complexe s’offrira à vous.

Team little world

We are so happy to present you our first game made by the VRAI Studio Team’s. We are a small studio who try to develop some VR experience and this game jam was the opportunity to try something different. We did all by our own – 3D, Scripts, Sounds, UI (Icons and others) and all you can see. We loved the theme and we try to do our best.

Feel Free to download try the game and comment.


Theme : The theme evoke the capacity of the game to disimulate the truth to the player because the game must be a challenge and a little lie is important if you want to hide something.


We couldn’t finish the history’s game but if the community like it, we will make more level, more features and write the end of history we are looking for.

Features we didn’t have time to implement or configure :
– The number of teleport, walk and signs.
– Menu discover features over the time.
– Clear animation to look more realistic.

We love our game and we hope you too. If you have some ideas, feel free to comment and share them with us.

Link page :